
Introductory Course for the Guitar – Books 1, 2 & 3

Introductory Course for the Guitar Book 3Introductory Course for the Guitar Book 2Introductory Course for the Guitar Book 1This series of books covers the fundamentals of guitar technique and gives students a grounding in the rudiments of musical notation, ultimately progressing them through to an advanced level.

Introductory Course for the Bass Guitar

Introductory Course for the Bass GuitarThis book is designed to get students playing competently as quickly as possible. It covers the fundamentals of bass guitar technique, with no prior experience assumed. It gives students a grounding in the rudiments of music notation and bass guitar tablature, taking them through to an intermediate level.

Understanding Scales and How They Work for the Modern Guitar

Understanding Scales and How They Work for the Modern GuitarThis book provides guitarists with a comprehensive understanding of how scales function in music. It is specifically designed to involve the guitarist creatively, thereby accelerating the learning process. Through regular practice of the examples and exercises, the guitarist will develop an understanding of all facets of scale construction, along with dexterity in their use for improvisation.